So let me start out by saying: I am not an expert. I’m so far from an expert that I can’t even see “expert” far off in the distance, frantically waving its arms yelling “come over here!” Experts in natural dyeing take many years to hone their craft. But on the flip side, you don’t have to be an absolute…
This is a big post. There’s a lot to say about indigo (way more than I know or have experience with), but even for my first foray into the indigo world, I learned a lot. Indigo was something I wanted to try down the road, and had no plans to get into right away. While I dip my toe in…
After my ill-fated attempt at Logwood exhaust and Osage I wanted to go back to something simple. Since I had not gotten the colour I expected at all from the last dyebath, I wanted to go back and use just the Osage to get a good baseline of what I could expect. This would be my fourth experiment with natural…
I did not feel great about these skeins. In fact, I would be so bold as to say I actively disliked the colour you see in the photo. But learning about not just dyeing, but natural dyeing, is all about successes and failures, and this one I would definitely put in the “failure” camp, at least initially. The nice thing…