Oh guys, I have so much to share with you! The spring shear is happening with a vengeance, and I’ve been running around the province, picking up fleeces for you guys. Not only that, but I’ve been washing fleece like crazy! I will be broadening my selection of not only raw fleeces for you this year, but washed unprepped fibre…
You may have noticed the shop is beginning to look just a wee bit bare. I’ve completely run out of some fleeces, and am running extremely low on others. Never fear, it’s just the seasonal nature of local wool. Shearing dates are coming, and in fact I’ve already acquired the first few fleeces of the year, and I’m really excited…
I hope you all have been having an amazing summer. I’ve been really digging into fibre and all of its related goodness – from my standard washing and prepping fleece, to really delving into the world of natural dyeing. It’s been an amazing summer of learning new techniques for me, and I hope you’ve had equally amazing experiences. I’ve said…
Summer is finally here – and I love it! We had such a prolonged, cold spring, but summer has just came on with a vengeance. I promised myself I wouldn’t complain when it got to 30C (well, I didn’t quite abide by that rule), but I am certainly glad it’s warm, sunny, and I can spend my time outside. Most…