Happy autumn spinners and fibre artists! I know, I know. This blog has been a little bit quiet. There’s been some life changes going on behind the scenes; exciting ones, but because I’m inherently a private person, it’s not something I’ll be going into online. It does mean my own personal making slowed down for a bit, hence the missing…
Anybody else have a really busy July and August? When we bought the house we knew there were some things that needed to be dealt with. Some things could be done in the winter, but others we had to wait until summer. Mostly some basic landscaping, but also getting rid of several large weed maples (AKA Manitoba Maples, AKA my…
Hello everybody! First let me say, I know I totally have not uploaded my Fibre Notes for July. It’s a work in progress so to speak, so I’ve decided to combine with August. Now that’s out of the way, if you follow along on Dominion F&F social media, you know I’ve been having a 20% off sale on all in-stock…
June has been a particularly busy month for me in terms of making stuff. It’s been a bit of a weird month for me for various reasons, but when that I happens I often turn to doing things. Some people clean, or walk, or watch TV to clear their minds. I turn to textiles and making things with my hands…