• Shop Updates

    New Fleeces In The Shop

    I’ve (finally!) taken the time this weekend to get a goodly amount of the brand new fleeces I’ve gotten the past eight weeks up on the site! I’m not going to lie – I still have a few more to add – but I’m super excited about these ones I’ve just put up. This update sees all pure breeds added…

  • Tutorial

    Refurbishing An Antique Drum Carder

    So back in March, I just happened upon a local ad – a fibre artist selling her drum carder at a fantastic price. She had had designs to use it to start processing her own fleeces, but having never gotten the fleecey bug, it ended up sitting unused in her studio for about a decade. Oddly enough she had gotten…

  • Meet the Fibre Farmer

    Meet the Fibre Farmer: Karen McCaig

    I first met Karen earlier this year, and we hit it off immediately. Karen has had a fascinating journey so far, one whose path she’s still on. Originally from Britain, she’s travelled the world extensively having spent time in Spain, Australia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, India, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Bolivia, Belgium, Bangledesh, and Thailand – just to name a few! So…

  • Farm Visits

    Farm Visit – Meeting some Icelandics

    Saturday, March 31st was time for another farm visit – and of course it was the coldest day so far this spring. When I say spring I’m using the word to relatively – it has been cold here the past week. Normals for central Alberta this time of year are the high single digits on the plus side, creeping up…