• Tutorial

    Natural Dyeing: Exhast and Osage

    I did not feel great about these skeins. In fact, I would be so bold as to say I actively disliked the colour you see in the photo. But learning about not just dyeing, but natural dyeing, is all about successes and failures, and this one I would definitely put in the “failure” camp, at least initially. The nice thing…

  • Tutorial

    Natural Dyeing: Taking the Plunge with Logwood

    When trying to decide what my first natural dye would be, I wanted something relatively simple. Or, to put it another way, something relatively straight forward that would allow me to get what I’m going for without too many variables. I’m a big fan of when learning a new skill, start really simple and work your way up to adding…

  • Tutorial

    Adventures In Natural Dyeing

    Last year, in the summer of 2017, I took my first foray into natural dyeing. I like the idea of natural dyeing – scrounging for stuff in my environment and using that to transform my wool and yarn into something different and unique is especially appealing, although the idea of using plant (or bug!) based dyes that I can’t necessarily…

  • Handspinning - Shop Updates

    Tour de Fleece & New Fleeces Coming!

    Summer is finally here – and I love it! We had such a prolonged, cold spring, but summer has just came on with a vengeance. I promised myself I wouldn’t complain when it got to 30C (well, I didn’t quite abide by that rule), but I am certainly glad it’s warm, sunny, and I can spend my time outside. Most…