• Rambles

    Happy Holidays from Dominion F&F

    I wanted to take a quick moment to wish all of you a very happy holidays. No matter what you celebrate, I want to wish you the very best of the season, and many happy tidings for the New Year. Take this season to spend some time with friends, family, and loved ones. Relax, and take some time for yourself.…

  • Tutorial

    Natural Dyeing: The Many Faces of Indigo (Part 1)

    This is a big post. There’s a lot to say about indigo (way more than I know or have experience with), but even for my first foray into the indigo world, I learned a lot. Indigo was something I wanted to try down the road, and had no plans to get into right away. While I dip my toe in…

  • Shop Updates

    New Fibres In The Shop

    I hope you all have been having an amazing summer. I’ve been really digging into fibre and all of its related goodness – from my standard washing and prepping fleece, to really delving into the world of natural dyeing. It’s been an amazing summer of learning new techniques for me, and I hope you’ve had equally amazing experiences. I’ve said…

  • Tutorial

    Natural Dyeing: Keeping it Simple with Osage

    After my ill-fated attempt at Logwood exhaust and Osage I wanted to go back to something simple. Since I had not gotten the colour I expected at all from the last dyebath, I wanted to go back and use just the Osage to get a good baseline of what I could expect. This would be my fourth experiment with natural…